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Bruce Phos. Inc. was formed in 2008 by 15 farmer shareholders from all over central Alberta who were all interested in trying Alpine liquid phosphate fertilizer.  The one thing that all shareholders had in common was a quest for better crops, and cheaper, easier ways to handle fertilizer.  They had each individually learned about ALPINE liquid phosphate and, at that time, delivery came in bulk railcar from Ontario and Alpine didn’t deal with individual farmers, so the group joined together to purchase it.  As a result, Bruce Phos Inc. was formed, with 15 shareholders, and they began to use more liquid phos and micronutrients.  Soon their friends and neighbors saw the results, and wanted to use the products also. 



From those first few railcars, the demand for product has grown.  Bruce Phos. Inc. now delivers bulk Super B loads of Alpine G22 fertilizer and totes and jugs of micronutrients to its customers.  The main depot is at Daysland, Alberta, with smaller satellite depots at Lamont, Coronation, St. Paul and Provost.   


Bruce Phos. Inc. also supplies associated liquid fertilizer products: Lignohumate, tanks, pumps, fittings, openers, carts, and sprayer nozzles.  Bruce Phos. Inc. offers many agronomic services, including soil and tissue testing, variable rate recommendations and fertility planning and guidance.  There are crop plots & tours and annual Producer Information Sessions focusing on helping farmers improve their crop fertility program. 


The farmer-owners use all the products sold by Bruce Phos. Inc. on their own farms to see results before recommending or supplying the products to others.  The shareholders represent a base of about 65,000 cropped acres extending across many different soil zones.


Bruce Phos. Inc. believes in staged fertility and balanced plant nutrition, working within it's customers' budgets to maximize returns while providing superior customer service and trusted advice.  

Leo Lutz

Western Sales Manager


Leo joined BPI in November 2014.  He has an extensive background in crop production, including custom spraying, fertilizing and harvesting, consulting, and as a sales manager for the last 10 years with Alpine Plant Foods where he helped with the formation of Bruce Phos. Inc. as an Alpine dealer.  Leo is passionate about taking care of the soil we have and helping producers advance their knowledge of their soils, the crops they grow and their bottom line.  Leo and his wife, Linda, are originally from the Brownfield area of east central Alberta. 

When he isn’t talking about soil and crops, Leo can be found in his garden, relaxing with his wife and dogs, or travelling, looking at the beauty of Mother Nature.  Leo is looking forward to joining his “second family” at Bruce Phos. Inc. and getting reacquainted with past customers and meeting many more new ones.

Karen Klimek

General Manager & Eastern Sales Manager


Karen joined BPI in January 2014 after 10 years of working as the Canadian Wheat Board rep in northeastern Alberta and northwestern Saskatchewan.  She grew up on a farm near Round Hill, AB where her brother and dad still farm and have been customers of Bruce Phos. Inc. since 2008.  She completed her B.Sc.Ag. with a focus on Agronomy from the University of Alberta in 1999 and is a Professional Agrologist (PAg).  Karen lives on an acreage near Lloydminster and enjoys time with her 3 children, gardening, landscaping, and camping.  

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